Performer FAQ
You have questions and we have answers! If you still need help, please send us an email.
How long is my set?
Your set will be 45 minutes long, with a 15 minute turn over for each band/performer. Plainly speaking, the quicker the stage personnel are able to set up for your performance, the more time you will have to perform. Performers will not be permitted to go longer than the time allotted for their performance.
When should I arrive?
Please arrive 2 hours before your scheduled start time. This will allow our cart drivers to get you and your gear to the correct stage.
What gear is provided?
Each stage includes:
Amps & Mics
A drum kit with cymbals
We will not be able to accommodate personal drum kits (with the exception of a snare drum), amps, or any other large equipment as your band and instruments will be transported via golf cart. Please limit your equipment to your personal instrument only.
We encourage you to put out a tip jar and bring merch for sale, but please note that we do not provide people to sell your merch, so bring friends to staff your merch table.
Musician parking is in the Fann’s Plaza Parking Lot on Rt. 32. We ask you to carpool as much as possible. No group can have more than 2 vehicles.
Once we have your RSVP, you will receive an email with parking passes and any additional details.